
September 08, 2010

Did Our Doctors REALLY Graduate from Med School?

I'm looking for ways to make some "extra" money to pay off some debt and I noticed an article in Woman's Day Magazine about Twelve Ways to Make Money from Home. There are actually some really good tips in the article, and I'm investigating each one. One of the websites recommended is called "Fiverr". The premise is to take whatever talent you have and sell it for $5. There are people who will proofread papers for $5, send your child a letter from Santa Claus for $5, write your name in the sand, photograph and email it to you for $5 ... you get the idea. In fact, there is a woman in the northeast who will write whatever message you want in the sand, photograph it, and email you the picture for $5. She makes about $300 a month doing this and can do between 10 to 15 messages in an hour. So six hours' work = $300. Not bad! For the most part, the listings are above-board and don't seem to be unethical. And then I saw this listing:

I will research and write your college or high school paper for $5.

As I scanned the "testimonials" of how great his work is, I saw these two:

Aside from the cheating aspect of the "service" being offered, does it disturb anyone else that "aliceyu" thinks she's gotten awesome grades from someone else's work or that "esterhauzy" got an "A" on ALL her MEDICAL SCHOOL work?

With the combination of Obamacare and medical school grads buying papers online, I'm going to be taking extra better care of myself in the days to come. Sheesh!


A J Jinkins III said...

We must remove your gall bladder as soon as I get online and research exactly where the gall bladder might be located...

Jen said...

That is really sad. Neither party seems to have any morals, really.

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